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trouble, but with no room for error with only 20 minutes fuel left. And, on less than the required instrumentation.The boss man got to his meeting, perhaps a little sh. Uta no prince sama cosplay wig aken, but he got there.But it could have gon. UN-GO cosplay wig e so much worse.Looking back on this story, there are many lessons to l. Final Fantasy Kadaj Cosplay Wig earn, but one sticks out to me more than anything. TIGER&BUNNY cosplay wig else This is the perfect case of GetThereItis.This infect. Hitman Reborn cosplay wig ious disease, which every pilot has had, is one of the most deadly in all of aviation. It cripples the pilots ability to think clearly, and pushes himher to do things they wouldnt have otherwise done.The anecdote Awareness. Awareness that it exists. Awareness that itll always be there. And doing something about it.If the anecdote had been used in this particular story, the pilots would have landed at a VFR airport, suitable for repairs if one were available right near where the alternator failed. Pressing on into IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions, especially over the span of hundreds of miles w